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Wednesday 20 July 2011

Grid Point 44 - Part 4.


According to the stories of the Adnyaantana people, (also known as Adnyamathanha) of the Flinders Ranges, at the end of the Dreamtime the bodies of 2 Arkaroo (Giant Serpents) were changed into the steep walls that surround Wilpena Pound, their spirits became large, multicoloured creatures with manes and beards that inhabit a waterhole at the entrance to the pound. It is said that during the Dreamtime the 2 Arkaroo heard that the first circumcision ceremony was to be held at Wilpena Pound. They decided to destroy the people so they travelled to the Pound and waited until the ceremony was finished. They surrounded the people who had gathered for the ceremony and used very powerful whirlwinds to sweep the people into their mouths. The only survivors were Wala the wild turkey, Yulu the kingfisher and the initiate. (from austhrutime.com)

It is said there is always important truth hidden in the mythology, and we had seen for ourselves how the Pound looked like two serpents with their heads meeting at the entrance to the pound, where a river flows out. We had now driven to what looked like the base of the tail of one of these serpents, or was it indeed a dragon?  My old aboriginal shaman friend from Byron Bay, Lorraine Mafi Wiliams, since passed on, told me the following about the Rainbow Serpent...

First up, we Aboriginals are not a sub-race from any nation. The first to come to Earth was the Black race, followed by the Red race, then the Yellow race, and last was the White race. We Aboriginals came from a planet in heaven that had seen its time, and according to our elders ‘blew up’. My ancestors then settled in the star formation called the Milky Way. My ancestors were asked to come to Planet Earth to erect an energy grid to help it through its many changes of life. The energy grid my ancestors created is the combination of all the mineral beneath the Earth that makes up the earth crust and circle of energy we call BOAMI, the sacred Rainbow Serpent.

When the Earth was one land mass we all lived side by side in harmony and compatibility doing our various tasks, which were our responsibility to our mother, Planet Earth. Because we were all and still are spirit beings, humanity created a culture that we could all identify with. The Tibetans, who are the first of the Yellow race, were the record keepers of the time when the Earth was one; they wrote down everything. The ones who maintained a spiritual balance in humanity were the sub-race of the Black: the Indians of India. The Red race's responsibility was teaching. They taught the people about the environment, birds, fish and beasts, about the care of Mother Earth, and it's they who are rising up again to be teachers, as they were when the Earth was one.

Us Aboriginals brought the power of the Earth's energy balance with us from the stars. So the Earth system was well maintained until the White race came. They were highly skilled in technology, which was supposed to blend in with the cultural and spiritual system operating among the three root races already to our elders, half of the four races joined forces and advanced in a destructive way, which was an eventual lead-up to the destruction of Atlantis and Lemuria. The other half of the four races remained loyal to the cultural and spiritual teachings of the ancient masters.

There was a lot more interesting information in the letter, and if anyone is interested the whole thing is printed in the Crystal Mission. For now the interesting bit was about the energy grid that the aboriginal ancestors created, and was apparently made up of the combination of all the mineral beneath the Earth that makes up the earth crust and circle of energy they call BOAMI, the sacred Rainbow Serpent.
In the case of Wilpena Pound, the minerals in the earth crust were predominantly copper with the quartz. But there was also lots of Uranium, in places, especially up in the Northern Flinders ranges around Arkaroo Rock where the Serpent is believed by some people to still be alive and responsible for the Hot Water springs and the radioactive deposits of uranium here and there…
The properties of these metals and the planets to which they correspond is excellently reviewed in a small book by Alison Davidson – Metal Power, the Soul Life of the Planets.  Copper is associated with Venus, planet of Beauty and Love, and we saw for ourselves in the camp fire at Bunyeroo Gorge how copper burns in the fire with blue green flames and flashes of red. Anah was interested to realise that the two crystal essences she had decided to carry on this journey were the ruby red and blue aquamarine. 
The alchemists describe Venus wearing a blue cloak over a red spirit, and these colours are reflected even in Botticeli’s paintings. Copper is the most conductive of all the metals except for silver, and it combines well with all the other metals, therefore earning its name meretrix mettalorum, the harlot of the metals. Everything Venus touches is seduced by her beauty, she has loving fingers! 
Uranium on the other hand is very electrical in nature, and like its planet Uranus symbolises cosmic or galactic forces that penetrate the deepest levels of consciousness bringing about profound change and transformation. Like the Hopi on their Black Mountain of uranium in the Four Corners, the aboriginals were well aware of the existence and power of this metal in the Earth crust.
Both the Hopi and the Aboriginals had warnings about the uranium resources, the Hopi saying that the Great Spirit had warned that it was not to be taken from the ground until humans had learned to use it for peaceful ends. Above all, it must never be used for war or destructive purposes. One can only wonder what sort of terrible karma the International Military Industrial complex will reap in the future from their extensive use of depleted Uranium weapons on the Midde East!
The aboriginals such as Lorraine Mafi Williams say that when their ancient ancestors came to Earth they created a circle of pyramids around the planet to protect it from a planetary disaster similar to that remembered in the ancient ‘Dream Time’. They talk about cosmic rays that can only penetrate certain places on the Earth, cosmic energy which hits the uranium and vibrates out through the Circle. If that is interrupted there will be no protection at all for the earth.
Time will tell if the Uranium mountain at Grid Point 44 has been too extensively mined and disrupted. It appeared that some strong prayers might be needed, but in the meantime it was time to have a party and burn some copper! 

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