Welcome to Corn and Anah's Family Blog

On this site you will find a record of the adventures of the Van Dorp whanau as they sally forth and explore the world around us.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Grid Point 44 - Introduction

Crystal Mission to Grid Point 44 - An Introduction.

The first post on this blog is dedicated to the children of the next generation, as there seem to be some pretty amazing kids coming through. Hence the first report on our Crystal Mission to Grid Point 44 for the winter solstice of 2011 was written by the youngest member of our party of 9, 10 y o Kiel.

THUNK! I fall out of bed struggling to get back up. I grab my bags and sprint to the car. I had no time to get anything else and we start to drive. I look at the time: 0200 am. Another boring drive to Auckland to pick up my sister. When we get to the airport we get to the koru club as soon as possible. I grab a hand full of mints and sit down and relax.
Not long after I sit down our fight is boarding. We run as fast as we can to the plane. It is a boring flight but it isn't that bad. I have my music to listen to. THUNK! The plane hits the ground.
Tish told us where a good breakfast is. I didn't sleep the hole trip so I needed a good brekky. I had a big bowl of fruit. "Corn, is this grapefruit?" I asked. "Not sure, let me try some. No that tastes like red orange. Why did you ask?"
Tish took us to our next plane where we met up with some fellow comrades. Jasen and Aimee and here comes Corn. We're going with JetStar so its going to be a tight squeeze and its going to be a boring flight. When we get off the plane we meet some more people that we did not know, Nikola and Tracey. We get a cab to the hotel and smuggle Jasen in.
We come out and get our cab to an RV company called Britz. Our cab driver tells us funny jokes. We get to Britz and pick up our RV, and our pro chef, fire twirler, and Rally Car Driver Matty.  After a long and expensive food shopping stop our next destination is Wilpena Pound, Grid Point 44.

Corn with our Camper Vans 
Photo by Zana 
We get to Wilpena Pound Resort in the night. We were up for a few hours and got told off by an old man. He said "Hey You lot keep it down, we all been hikeing all day, we need our sleep!"
We sent off Aimee, Jasen and Corn on a 3 seater plane flight. Corn got some footage but all you could hear was Aimee throwing up in a bag. When we were about to take off into a restricted area of desert we saw one of Matty's old friends. He gave us the best path to get to our destination. Zana was complaining the hole time "I have not had a shower for ten minutes!"

Zana going bush
I am at the back of the RV by myself. The ride is smooth until BANG! CRASH! Everything falls to the ground. I jump to my feet and start to pick up everything. BANG! SMACK! I fly into a bag of firewood head first. I get up and wipe the blood off my face. Suddenly we stop and I fly into the wall. Mum opens the door and sees me on the floor with everything else. We stop at a mountain. Me Jasen, Mum and Nikola climb it. Mum and everyone else give up half way but me and Nikola get to the top.
We stop by another mountain. We stay there for the night and we all grab a big branch. I show Corn jackpot wood and I grab a tree. We are alone and partying all night. Two German people called Constantin and his girlfriend Diane join us. Mum and Aimee go mad. Aimee thinks we are going to have a movie about us. I go to bed. I look out the window in the morning, everything is trashed. I hop out of bed and see Corn on the seats and Mum sleeping with Aimee.

Anah and Aimee 
I walk outside and see the camera outside in the rain. I hear something about Jasen sleeping on one side of the fire, and Mum on the other, and Jasen mumbling "Anah Anah, its raining, its raining!"  I hear about Aimee's ugboots getting blown in to the fire.  Me Corn, Matty, Jasen, Nikola and Zana see the twin gum trees with kangaroo bones in them, as we cimb to the top of another mountain. We get to the top of the mountain and place a crystal in the crack of a rock that is hanging over the edge.

Matty, Corn, Jasen, Nikola with Kiel 
Photo by Zana
THUNK! OUR RV hits the rocks. We stop and get out by a little creek while we wait for the others. Me and Matty skim some rocks. Mum gives some ducks some bread. I go to go join her but I throw the bread at the ducks as the other RV struggles to get over the next bump without smashing too much. We are close to our destination. Chambers Gorge.

We get to our next stop and yes we all go out to get a big branch. Corn and Jasen join together to get a big branch, but I have to take my big branch by myself. Our big fire lights up in seconds. Matty lights up his fire stick and walks out of the fire's light and does his fire twirling thing. In the morning I watch Mum and Corn walk out the door. I dress up but for the last three nights someone has been taking my socks. Just as I get out of the RV I am too late and see them dissapear into the bushes.

Matty with Orbs at our campfire in Chambers Gorge
Photo by Tracey
In a few short hours Mum and Corn are back. After a few minutes we split into two teams. One goes to a creek. In that team is Aimee, Jasen, Tracey, Corn and Zana. The other team is going up a big mountain where there are lots of caves. In that team is me, Mum, Matty, and Nikola.  It is hard for our team, the mountain is big, the caves are full of dead kangaroos.
I find a small rock knife, and a middle sized rock knife, and a huge rock knife. Then when we get down from the mountain me and Mum split up from Matty and Nikola. Me and Mum go on a special path and I find a block of crystal and a naturally pictured rock. The picture on the rock looks like some trees on a hill.
When we get back to camp we decide to stay another night. When I get into the RV Zana is in bed. When I ask her why she just says "Go away! Go away!!" She will not even pull the covers off her face, then I realise she is having a cry about changing plans. I yell "Get Up CRYBABY!" She gets up and sits down at the fire and stares at it and will not talk to anyone.
When it is just about sunset we all, except Zana, go up to the top of a hill. There are all these rocks. All the rocks represent a month except for the main one. We put a crystal in the main rock. That night we are all sitting by the camp fire. We are all having a great time but sadly someone on our journey has died. It is a sad morning for all of us. We all go to a sandy little creek where his grave is, and on the grave stone it says "RIP, Kiel's Poo"
Then we were off back to Wilpena Pound Resort. We are all driving happily except for Jasen hesitating to get over the rocky road. But Jasen has nothing to worry about because in a few hours we are back at Wilpena Pound ...
to be continued ...

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