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Tuesday 19 July 2011

Grid Point 44 - Part 1.


It was Commander Xiao, a Pleiadian space-ship commander, who gave some of the instructions for the Crystal Mission back in 1991. In fact the specific instructions were for the Journey to the Yucatan where we observed the total solar eclipse of July 11 1991. However, the words came back to my mind as we made preparations for our mission to Grid Point 44 for the Winter Solstice of 2011. 

“One of your duties is to re-establish the planetary grid, which at this moment in time is incomplete. Therefore, you are being guided to areas ... special energy points on the planet where the original points of the grid met. And the crystals are instrumental in this as tools for re-energising the area and recreating the grid. In this we would also say that you are doing the correct thing. We would add that you already have it programmed, you might say, though that is a very technical term, programmed within you where to place these crystals. You will do this mostly by feeling with every fibre of your being. The general areas you are being led to are correct. The actual details of the placement of the crystals are yet to come. What we are telling you is that you already know where to put them, and what you are doing is very important at this time ... to re-establish the protective grid of the planet. To rebalance the magnetic energy of your planet is crucial, There is a great deal of negativity ... negative energy has entered through the holes in the grid and is causing a great deal of damage on Earth. There are also certain spiritually negative entities who have entered through also. Once the grid is re-established, this can no longer occur.”

The plans for the trip to Grid point 44 started to solidify when Jasen and Aimee, Mr and Mrs Happy, came for a visit to NZ in February 2011. The purpose of the visit was dual; not only was Jasen helping to initiate the HerbShack, our coffee shop and herbal clinic in the Far North of NZ, as an Iboga treatment centre, but also Aimee was an architect and Jasen a Feng Shui practitioner, and they had also been requested to do an analysis and plan for renovations to our house.
It was Aimee who totally confirmed the bad Feng Shui we had in the existing house when she fell down our stairwell and fractured her ankle! She didn’t really need to do that, but it was quite impressive when we discovered that the energy in that corner of the house was that of 3, 4, 5, numbers that could be interpreted to mean not only broken bones, but broken bones in the lower limb!!!
In spite of the accident, we did succeed in initiating the HerbShack, and since then we have successfully detoxed a number of people off heroin, methadone, and even methamphetamine.  The root bark of this amazing plant Tabernanthe Iboga is the stuff that has the detox properties, and I still can hardly believe that you can take a heroin addict on a gram of heroin a day for the past 20 years, give him one dose of this stuff, and he is off the drug – no cold turkey withdrawal, no cravings, unbelievable!

Corn & Jasen at Ibogaine Providers Conference 
Barcelona, October 2010

 Because it has ‘psychedelic’ or ‘entheogenic’ properties, the herb is illegal in most countries in the world, most notably in the USA, the home of the ‘War on Drugs’, where healers who try and use it are persecuted just like in the old days of the Inquisition when millions of women herbalists were burnt at the stake. In New Zealand, however, probably mostly accidentally, the use of the plant has become legal for registered medical practitioners, and hence a doorway has opened up for its use.
Iboga is in fact not ‘hallucinogenic’ like LSD, but instead takes one into a waking dream state. If electrodes are used on the brain what is seen are delta waves, the waves of a sleeping brain, except that the person is awake and aware of the dream, though physically almost paralysed and ataxic for a good 12 hours or so, and it often takes a person to meet one’s ancestors. In fact in Gabon, where the plant grows in its natural state, it is the sacrament of the Bwiti religion, in which young people at a certain age are taken through a rite of passage and do in fact meet their ancestors, which has a powerful effect in giving a sense of belonging and cultural continuity.
I myself had found the plant very powerful when Anah and I tried it the previous year, during an eclipse cycle, which was the 19th anniversary of our July 11 1991 eclipse in the Yucatan . This eclipse was also July 11, but in 2010 and over Easter Island. The eclipse journey to the Yucatan had been to fulfil a mission from the Keys of Enoch, and I was excited, but not enormously surprised to find, for the first time in many years, a copy of the Keys of Enoch, with some readings about the Urim and Thummim, and how one needs to use them to get in touch with Whole Light Beings like the Archangel Metatron.
It was also not surprising then, that the most pertinent communication about this Winter solstice in Australia was a communication from Archangel Metatron about an amazingly powerful doorway with its ‘Eclectic Eclipse triad’. Not only was there the power of the Winter Solstice, but also there were 3 eclipses in the month of June 2011. There were two partial solar eclipses on June 1st and July 1st, sandwiching a full moon lunar eclipse on June 15, with the solstice on June 22.
According to Metatron this eclipse triad on the solstice was one of the most magnanimous energies of 2011, and is the gateway to the Crystalline quickening of the 11-11-11. 

“As such, all of you on the earth-plane are now within the field immersion of an incredible crystalline energy. The result is that your own auric fields and Mer-Ka-Na Light bodies are, through induction, becoming extreme energy in motion…

The Triple-Date Portal of November 2011 will be the most potent singular day of the year. Masses of humanity will form the human grid and tie into the Cosmic Energy that is amassed in the final stages of the activating the 144-Crystal Grid. On the 11-11-11 the Atlantean Master Crystals will further activate with the initial awakening of the Crystal of Multidimensional Communication in the Crystal Vortex.”

In next to no time it was June, and we were packing our bags, forcing some more food into Kiel, the youngest of our party, and arriving at Jasen and Aimee’s house where Aimee had set up a powerful crystal grid manifestation layout with eight large double terminated quartz crystals.

Aimee had some great stories about how she had used this technique very successfully in her life to manifest several things, including the perfect husband. This time, however, it was to be for earth healing, but we needed some copper to tie in the 9 sided Rodin coil, with the crystal sphere and all the elemental and angelic energies into the layout. We did not realise at this point that our destination was in fact a copper mountain.

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