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Tuesday 19 July 2011

Grid Point 44 - Part 2


35. Through the Urim, the Brotherhood of Man is coordinated with the brotherhood of Light by means of light crystal frequencies which activate the channels of Love and Wisdom.

36. The Urim are the ‘Lights’ which connect the processes of the mind with the different threshold levels of spiritual power. They are the ‘energy jewels’ which connect with the template grid of the eighth chakra so that the ‘flame over the head’ can be focused into the spiritual pathways being served by the Living Light.

37. Each crystal works at a different vibrational frequency which coordinates our program with other universal programs within the Living Light.  The Urim are the highest and most perfect form of crystals available for the coordination of human intelligence with the Higher Evolution.

38. On the other hand, the Thummim are the energy changes around the Urim crystals in which the thought-forms, coming from God and His Heirarchy to His chosen servants, stay in ‘perfection’ while in dimensions of imperfection.

39. I also saw how the thought-forms of God’s messengers would be negated by the energies of imperfection on the physical plane were it not for the perfect resonance of Thummim ‘Light’ protecting the auto resonant properties of the Urim and their thought-forms that are exchanged through spiritual reciprocity.

40. Together, the Urim and Thummim operate as sanctified crystals forming a grid for communication which uses sacred vowel patterns to create geometries that merge the different harmonies of colour in the various light spectrums with the living divine Light.

41. Moreover the Brotherhood of Man, when they are in direct communication with the administrative directors of the B’nai Or, use the Urim and Thummim for the exchange of higher Wisdom and his reception of specific thought-forms from God.

                                                                                                                                          Key 316  pp 512-514

Over the years the Urim and Thummim have been a great point of interest in my ongoing research, but it was only recently that the above reading was discovered in the Keys of Enoch, shedding some more Light on the matter. Up till now I had been of the understanding that the Urim and the Thummim were the crystal spheres like the Moroni crystal that we carried to the eclipse, or the Pyramid crystal discovered by Ray Brown in the underwater pyramid near Bimini (as recorded in Crystal Mission).

In fact it seems that the Urim are Crystals and the Thummim are energy changes around the Urim crystals in which the thought-forms, coming from God and His Heirarchy to His chosen servants, stay in ‘perfection’ while in dimensions of imperfection. For example perhaps the manner in which archangelic energies interact with humans while in 3D on planet Earth.
The Thummim must therefore be the Orbs of Light that are often seen on digital photographs at highly charged spiritual events. No surprise then that there were some very interesting Orbs seen on the photographs taken at our dinner at Jasen and Aimee’s place, preparing for the journey to Grid Point 44.  (See youtube video below) One of them was just like the archangel Orbs seen on the Orb deck of cards I had been playing with, and I wondered if this might even be Metatron, the archangel who had given the Keys of Enoch to J.J. Hurtak back in the early 1970s.
Just as the Crystal Mission 1991 Eclipse journey to the Yucatan was a mission from the Keys of Enoch, this journey to Grid Point 44 appeared to also be a playing out some of the process outlined in the Keys. I had always been a little uncomfortable with the patriarchal, even almost sounding racist in some places, language of the Keys, and as the time approached for the mission I did a little more research on J.J. Hurtak, the receiver and translator of the Keys, as well as Grid Point 44 and the whole matter of the ‘dodeca-icosa’ planetary grid.
Several interesting articles were found on the subject of the world grid, the most informative being the Synthesis by Becker and Haagens, in which they outline how the 5 platonic solids are the basis for the world grid. There are several interesting points in this article, but for me the most interesting are;

 1. How Bruce Cathie’s grid (like Buckminster Fuller's) is a cube octahedral reconstruction, and when it is combined with the dodeca –icosa it forms a pulse (to me this can be compared to certain movements between a male and a female) 

 2. In illustration #10 we see the dodeca-icosa grid centred on Point number 45 North of Spirit’s Bay in New Zealand, and lo and behold, there is the old tohunga’s travelling map from the Crystal Mission as clear as crystal!  (see the Crystal Mission synopsis on youtube (MysteryHunterChannel) for further elucidation of the old tohunga's travelling map) 

More articles were found on Grid Point 44, the most interesting being the article by Paul White published in Nexus in 1993 in which he located the actual grid point at Chambers Gorge, not far from Wilpena Pound. (though another article by British Dowser Pauline Roberts was doubtful of Chambers Gorge being the actual grid point).
Another article by Paul White was then discovered entitled ‘Awesome Underground Radar Discoveries’ in which he implicated J.J. Hurtak as the chief scientist in the discovery of a vast underground complex below the Giza pyramids. He talked about a forthcoming film entitled “Chambers of the Deep” from this research. However, on searching further I found that J J Hurtak and his Academy of Future Science had in fact denied these assertions, and Paul White had then apologised publicly on the Net for ‘mistakenly’ using Hurtak’s name, though I never found any retraction of the information revealed in the article.
If one does a Google search on Hurtak and Paul White, one gets into some very interesting articles on J J Hurtak, including his involvement with Andrija Puharich and LAB Nine. In the Stargate Conspiracy by Prince and Picknet, they regard him and the whole phenomenon of THE NINE with great suspicion, in fact concluding that he is one of the Illuminasti power-manipulating Controllers of human kind. When I dug deeper, however, I found that Hurtak and his wife have been responsible for some interesting and enlightening scientific research. Even Dr. Puharich and the NINE, along with Uri Geller at the end of the day were innocent researchers, who had discovered important and profound details of the structure of our reality and the involvement of THE NINE.
I was not able to track down Paul White in the present day, (though I knew him well back in 1991 as an enthusiast of Hurtak and the Keys). Hence I can’t tell to this day if his article about the Chambers of the Deep was actually correct, and Hurtak and his org were not yet ready to release this info, OR (to my mind less likely) that Paul White made up the story ???
Time will tell, I guess, and every now and then another key arrives to fill in the whole picture. This time, another key arrived in a timely manner with the discovery of Dan Eden and his ebook entitled The Never Ending. Dan Eden had met Hurtak as well, when he was summoned to New York and told that without realising it he had become the official translator of the Fire Language, which he had discovered in rock glyphs in Colorado, then in Yemen, and now even in Australia at Chambers Gorge.
This piece of info then had me taking more seriously the map in The Keys Of Enoch in which he locates several areas on the world grid as TRUE TIME WARP AREAS. Grid Point 44 on the other hand is designated as one of the ARTIFICIAL TIME WARP AREAS…


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