Welcome to Corn and Anah's Family Blog

On this site you will find a record of the adventures of the Van Dorp whanau as they sally forth and explore the world around us.

Friday 22 February 2013

Mexican Crystal Mission October 2012

Hello people! I rediscovered the lost writing and decided to post it on the more private family blog - so here goes. 

Its 3 months now since we returned from our last Mystery Hunter Crystal Mission, to Arizona, Hopiland, Mexico, Rarotonga.

The mission, like many others in the past, started with a dream, in which I dreamed that Kiel was sick so I had to go on alone first, then Anah would join me, and Kiel would fly with his father Tony to the East Coast of America, after Tony had done some light body healing on the young man. I dreamed that I had to go through gates number 32 and 33 into a large convention centre, where I was inspected very intently by a uniformed officer, who let me through the gate.

Waking up in the morning I discovered Kiel had a high fever, so indeed I had to go on alone as I was booked to give an address at the Vancouver Iboga Conference. Indeed after a 12 hour flight I found myself going through gates 32 and 33 at San Francisco International - which made me try and remember very closely the rest of the dream - which detailed some of the instructions for this next phase of the Crystal Mission.

After the Conference, which was a great meeting of interesting iboganauts and providers from 17 different nations, Anah and I winged our way south to LA and for the first time in 19 years found our old friend Alan - our Choctaw guide on the Trail of the Hawk and the Search for the Feathered Serpent - living with his Aussie wife, a couple of hours into the mountains from LA International Airport, and still walking with spirit, taking groups of people on spiritual and ethnobotanical journeys to the Peruvian Amazon. His wife is walking along the same lines but takes groups of Americans on deep journeys using Rauwolfia Serpentina - Indian snake root, and Kanna (empathogenic Hottentot medicine)

The journeys that she facilitates are focused on deepening relationships, and indeed Anah and I were unexpectedly deeply affected by the medicine as we shared our dreams on 2nd mesa Hopiland, after meeting with our Micmac friend Travis in Flagstaff. In Flagstaff I found a really cute little pair of lemurian seed crystals in one of the local shops which, no sooner had I bought them, than they wanted to go to Travis,  and his beautiful Native American girlfriend.

The enactment of the crystal dream did not take place till we got to Tepoztlan, which was another chapter in the Search for the Feathered Serpent, as we found in time that this amazing hidden valley - an enclave of ancient Mexico - with its own living pyramid atop a mountain, was the birthplace of Ce Acatl Topoltzin Quetzalcoatl, one of the great King Manifestations of the Feathered Serpent. Here Anah and I tuned into the energy of Diego Riviera, (whose visage in a large mural in the Mexico City underground looked remarkably like our tohunga friend, since passed on, Mac Ruka). Anah in turn identified with Diego's wife and lover, Frieda Kahlo, and I plaited hibiscus flowers into Anah's hair - and we danced with the Ololiuci fairies through the night in the hidden valley.

The next day we climbed the mountain and left a small ruby to enhance the power of the pyramid, hoping that this might help the locals defeat the large multinational beast from hell which is trying to drive a 5 line auto-piste through the hidden valley so the 18 wheelers from the West Coast can take their merchandise through to Vera Cruz on the Eastern coast. There are no multinational corporations or franchises in this hidden valley - we were told largely because of the local spirit - inspired by their very own Emilio Zapata who was quoted on a large mural saying he would forgive the man who killed, but would never forgive the one who sold his land!

From Tepoztlan we caught a bus to Mexico City, then across the mountains to the West Coast, and finally a long awaited visit with Rocky and Asha at the Dreamhouse - now going for 7 years, with getting up to thousands of successful treatments - mainly drug detox. They are now doing treatments for 3 people at a time, and have found a real increase in the synchronicity - often lots of weird little coincidences linking the people being treated - an inspiring example for the way we intend to grow our clinic here in NZ. 

From Mexico we flew to LA, to meet Kiel, finding that he had also flown with the wings of good luck and fortune, catching the very last plane to escape from New York before super-storm Sandy struck. Feeling very lucky and blessed we took the long flight to Rarotonga and relaxed there for a few more days, before making it back to the Far North of NZ.